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Relax & Wax
Finally, waxing does not have to hurt!
Try No-Scream Cream to ease waxing discomfort and Get The Bump Outta Here to prevent ingrown hair after waxing.
Waxing Prices:
Eyebrows, Lip, Chin, or Sideburns.....$12 & up
Hairline / Neckline........................$15 & up
Arms.............................................$25 & up
Chest / Back..................................$30 & up
Bikini Area ...................................$40 & up
Brazilian.......................................$60 & up
Underarms.....................................$15 & up
Half Leg (above knee and down).....$40 & up
Full Leg (Does not include bikini)....$60 & up
***Waxing prices vary for each individual according to frequency of visits and density of hair.***

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